7 Muscari Grape Ice 5/+

7 Muscari Grape Ice 5/+

7 Muscari Grape Ice 5/+ in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions. Quantity outer of 5.


Muscari latifolium Grape Hyacinth Ice is an unusual multi-coloured flower; the base is a dark blue colour, melting into pale lilac with green buds that open into white florets at the tip. Planted in a sunny border or naturalised in grass, this flower will be an exuberant bloomer when mixed with Narcissi or Tulips . Also enjoy in the home as a cut flower. Muscari can make a good ground cover but it spreads very easily so if you want to keep them contained, they can be planted in containers or pots. Bee friendly.

Additional information

Weight 0.218 kg

No of Bulbs

7 per Bag

