50 Gladiolus callianthus Murielae 6/8

50 Gladiolus callianthus Murielae 6/8

50 Gladiolus callianthus Murielae in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions. (Outer of 5 packs)


XXL pack of the small-flowered Gladiolus callianthus Murielae (Abyssinian Gladiolus) which is a real summer bloomer. These special Gladiolus-like flowers reach a height of 80 cm and are beautiful cut flowers. The Abyssinian Gladiolus flowers profusely and should not be missed in your summer flower garden. You can plant the tubers about 7-10 cm deep in the spring. First loosen the soil well and sprinkle a layer of sharp sand at the bottom of the planting hole. This allows rainwater to drain well under the tubers. Space the tubers about 10-12 cm apart. Add some good potting soil when planting. Mix heavy (clay) soil with sharp sand before planting. This Gladiolus likes to grow in a warm sunny spot. This Abyssinian Gladiolus has beautiful white coloured petals with a dark purple centre and is therefore easy to combine in the border with perennials, Dahlias and other summer flowers. If using as a cut flower, pick the stems when the lower flower opens, preferably early in the morning. Immediately place the stems in a vase with lukewarm water and cut flower food.

Additional information

Weight 1.34 kg

No of Bulbs

50 per Bag



Flowering time


Sun requirement



Pollinator Friendly
