3 Fritillaria Imperialis Mix 18/20

3 Fritillaria Imperialis Mix 18/20

3 Fritillaria Imperialis Mix 18/20 in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions. Quantity outer of 5.


A mix of yellow and orange-red impressive “Crown Imperials” with hanging bell-shaped flowers. Nicely combines with other bulbs such as hyacinth, muscari, tulips in a pot on a patio or balcony. This flower is known for its strong smell from the bulbs that helps keep mice and moles at bay. It is advisable to plant the bulb at a slight angle when planting to prevent water from accumulating in the bulb. If you want to keep the bulbs, harvest them as soon as possible after the leaves have died and keep them in a dry place above 20 degrees until planting in October. It is not a true “naturaliser”.

Additional information

Weight 1.29 kg

No of Bulbs

3 per Bag

