Dicentra Spectabilis Alba 2/3

Dicentra Spectabilis Alba 2/3

25 Dicentra spectabilis ‘Alba’ in a package with large colour photo and planting instructions.


Dicentra spectabilis ‘Alba’ owes its Dutch name, broken heart, to the shape of the flower. The broken heart is white in colour and hangs in trusses. The leaf is grey-green and whitish below. spring up and then flowers from April to June when it then withdraws underground, so that you can no longer see anything in July. That is why it is important to fill the space that opens up with a plant that develops late, for example gypsophila. A moist soil and a semi-shaded place are necessary. Dicentra spectabilis should also be sheltered, as the stems break easily. It is important that the soil contains more than enough moisture, especially during the growing and flowering period.

Additional information

Weight 3.75 kg



Flowering time


Biodiversity friendly