40 Ranunculus Mix 5/6

40 Ranunculus Mix 5/6

40 Ranunculus Mix in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions. (Outer of 5 packs)


Ranunculus mix is a rewarding summer bloomer blend that will give you pleasure for months. Ranunculus mix flowers all summer from July until the first night frost, growing to a height of about 30-40 cm. This ranunculus is well suited for planting in the border. Ranunculus can be planted in the spring. Dig a spacious planting hole, loosen the soil and fill the planting hole with good potting soil. Carefully place the tubers in the planting hole and cover with 3-5 cm. soil. The planting distance of the tubers is 10-15 cm. Water the tubers immediately after planting. Ranunculus blooms most profusely in full sun and combines well with perennials and other flower bulb species. The mixed flowers are real eye-catchers in the border. Store the tubers in a frost-free place after flowering and you will enjoy them for years.

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg

No of Bulbs

40 per Bag



Flowering time


Sun requirement



Pollinator Friendly
