15 Anemone coronaria Sylphide 5/6

15 Anemone coronaria Sylphide 5/6

15 Anemone coronaria Sylphide in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions. (Outer of 5 packs)


Anemone ‘Sylphide’ is a deep pink flower with bright purple to black stamen on top of fine green leaves. This anemone variety is a trouble-free garden dweller that flowers easily. Moreover, it is an excellent cut flower and can be combined beautifully with other summer Bulbs. Before planting, place the tubers of this Anemone in lukewarm water for a few hours. A good planting time is March-April. Plant the tubers 5-7 cm deep and about 7 cm apart (in a 5 cm pot). Choose a spot in full sun for profuse blooms. Anemones grow well in fertile, humus-rich soil. Anemone ‘Sylphide’ also grows well in a pretty flower pot or planter. Water this Anemone regularly, because the soil around the tubers must not dry out. By regularly cutting off the spent flowers of the anemone, you promote reblooming. Anemone coronaria is fairly hardy. You can also lift plants after the first frost and overwinter them frost-free. The flowers of Anemone coronaria appear well into summer. A row of anemones should not be missing in your cut flower garden. The flowers stay well in the vase for a long time. Pick the flowers preferably early in the morning. Cut the stems with sharp pruning shears or flower shears. Remove the lower leaf of the anemone and immediately place the stems in a vase with lukewarm water.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg

No of Bulbs

15 per Bag



Flowering time

Biodiversity friendly


Sun requirement