Gladiolus White Prosperity 12/14

Gladiolus White Prosperity 12/14

100 Large-flowered Gladiolus ‘White Prosperity’ in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions.


Gladiolus ‘White Prosperity’ is a real summer bloomer that flowers in July and August and maybe even beyond. This Gladiolus produces pure white ruffled flowers, growing to 90-100 cm. It is a wonderful cut flower. ‘White Prosperity’ is very floriferous and should therefore not be missed in your summer flower garden. You can plant the Gladiolus tubers about 7-10 cm deep in the spring. First loosen the soil well and sprinkle a layer of sharp sand at the bottom of the planting hole. This allows rainwater to drain well under the tubers. Space the tubers about 10-12 cm apart. Add some good potting soil when planting. Mix heavy (clay) soil with sharp sand before planting. This large-flowered Gladiolus likes to grow in a warm sunny spot. This Gladiolus’s bright white colour lends itself to combine beautifully with other flowers. You can make special combinations with it in the border with tall perennials and Dahlias. Preferably plant Gladiolus in a different spot every year. If you plan on using this flower in a cutting, pick the stems when the lower flower opens, preferably early in the morning and immediately place the stems in a vase with lukewarm water with cut flower food.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg

Bulb size



Flowering time


Pollinator Friendly


