Echinacea Green Twister I

Echinacea Green Twister I

25 Echinacea Green Twister in a package with large colour photo and planting instructions.


Echinacea Green Twister is considered to be part of the ‘Coneflower’ family. The hardy Echinacea Green Twister produces daisy-like flowers that blend unique lime green petals that melt into a vibrant purple base with a central purple cone in the summer. Even when the flower has finished flowering and the green discoloured leaves hang down, this flower still has ornamental value. An additional attraction is that during flowering countless bumblebees and butterflies come and go. Echinacea is suitable for drift growing in cottage style or herbaceous borders or mixed among grasses. The should be planted in a sunny position in fertile soil that is not too wet.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

Bulb size



Flowering time


Sun requirement

Pollinator Friendly
