Gladiolus Nathalie 8/9

Gladiolus Nathalie 8/9

100 Small-flowered Gladiolus ‘Nathalie’ in a package with a large colour photo and planting instructions.


Nanus Gladiolus ‘Nathalie’ is a beautiful, dwarf gladioli that is a long summer bloomer that flowers in July and August and possibly longer if the weather is good. Gladiolus Nathalie’s small flowers are a classic pink colour with a flash of darker pink on the bottom petals. Gladiolus tubers should be planted about 7-10 cm deep in the spring. This allows rainwater to drain well under the tubers. Space the tubers about 10-12 cm apart. Add some good potting soil when planting. Mix heavy (clay) soil with sharp sand before planting. This small-flowered Gladiolus likes to grow in a warm sunny spot and has a beautiful colour that makes it easy to combine.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg

Bulb size



Flowering time


Sun requirement

Pollinator Friendly
