Begonia Grandiflora Mix 5/6

Begonia Grandiflora Mix 5/6

25 Large-flowered grandiflora Begonia in different colours in a package with large colour photo and planting instructions.


The large-flowered Begonia ‘Grandiflora Mix’ can be admired for months, flowering from June through October. This eye catching mix is a combination of large rose-like blooms in bright reds, yellows, pinks, oranges and white. Easily grown, these powerhouse flowers are best in pots or hanging baskets as they cascade gently over the edges. The best planting period for Begonia is spring after the danger of frost has passed. Plant the tubers in partial shade, with their hollow sides up and cover with a thin layer of moisture retaining compost enriched soil. If it is kept in full sun, it will need to be watered 2-3 times per week, preferably late in the afternoon when there is no direct sun. Begonia can hibernate if brought into dry cool areas when the first frost is forecast. In the spring, plant the flowers back outside when chance of frost has passed.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

Bulb size



Flowering time


Pollinator Friendly


