Outer of 12 1kg bags – Onion ‘Stuttgarter Riesen’ is a late variety and the most popular variety of onion, due to its high yield, good storage quality and outstanding spicy taste. It is a has a firm, flat roundonion with dark yellow skin and an average neck and creamy yellow flesh. Plant in a sunny, sheltered area with loose, moist, well-drained,soil with a neutral pH. and should not be planted where onions, garlic, carrots or cucumbers were the previous season. Onions can be planted in same place for two (2) years. Weeding is important to keep disease and pest-free. Harvest when 60%-80% of stems are yellowed, dried and laid down. Drying needs to occur before consumption. ‘Stuttgarter Riesen’ can be used raw or cooked. Stores well into winter under the right circumstances.